About Beikoku

Seal of Beikoku Shidokan
The colors of the bonds represent the obi of the highest degree
which is the ultimate goal of students pursuing the Way of Karate.
The circle depicts harmony, cooperation, and friendship.
These are the goals of the students pursuing the Way of Karate.
The measure means courtesy and forbearance.
These are the goals of the students pursuing the Way of Karate.
The four poles signify advancement.
The goal is to become a respected person of character
through the discipline of the Way of Karate.
Aim of Shidokan Karate-Do
1. To Strive for the Perfection of Character
2. To Defend the Paths of Truth
3. To Foster the Spirit of Effort
4. To Honor and Respect Ones Fellows
5. To Guard Against Impetuous Courage